After seeing "The Terminal" this afternoon at Greenbelt, I checked the stats of this blog just a while ago, and I found an interesting surprise--much of the traffic I've been having, aside from my friends', are people searching for Steve Tyrell's "I've Got A Crush On You"... or Phoemela Baranda. :D
Now, I'd have to wonder: why all the traffic? Is she that popular, guys? ::clueless::
Anyway, here's a treat for anybody looking for her. (It has obviously went thru image manipulation and a bit PG13-esque, but who cares. :)
I enrolled this morning. Another forty grand blissfully gone. But for 21 units. :)
I am anxious. Classes start this Monday, and it was only that reality caught up with me: I'll be largely on my own starting next week. And to think I'm already starting to miss that people I've grown fond of. Hay, buhay.
Revisiting Peck's "The Road Less Travelled" for the past few days was an engaging experience. For one, it teaches a lot about life and the misgivings it brings. Even though I had the chance to loan the original version of this book more than once from the library two terms ago, I must admit that I haven't finished the book and fully understood it, seeing how many pages it lacked. (Oo. May mga nawalang mga pahina dun sa copy na nasa library.)
Another thing that particularly struck me was its emphasis on the difficulty of life. In fact, he not only draws it from personal experience, but from the gist of the teachings of Buddha. That once you acknowledge the fact that life is indeed difficult, life suddenly becomes more worthwhile. That it may be the only decent way to live.
Peck touches on the things most of us will consider to be mundane to daily life. Things like love, religion, struggle, grace and self-worth. Of living.
I'd certainly post on what I think and feel about this book when I finish it, perhaps tomorrow or this Sunday. Overall, an excellent read.
David Birthday
Hahah. A good number of us comtech2003 guys got the chance to get together in celebration of David's (and to some extent, Aeo's. Heheh.) 18th birthday. It was nice, plain, clean fun. And we got the chance to reminisce the past. Oh, the past! ;) Nyarhar. Things like Pineapple, inuman, girls, jokes, classes, school, teachers. Ah, the memories.
I wanted to hit a few drinks after it arrived but I'm afraid I had called upon the cavalry way too early, in my opinion. And to think I explicitly told Kuya Rani to pick me up, yet what showed up was mum and pop. ::blush::
Sayang. But then, it was fun as we were able to see some, talk some.
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