quaint little rutted bucket

Friday, January 14, 2005

First post

Ah. My first post for this term and this year. Wonderful, ain't it? 2005. Makes me feel older already. :)

Anyway, I'm sorry for the lack of posting recently. Holiday season just came and gone, so I had to have this so-called thing called "life" for sometime. (Hahah.)

Another term just started and I have a load of 18 units this term. Here, take a gander:

ACADWRI TH 0940 - 1110
ARTAPRE MWF 0920 - 1020
DEVGROW MWF 1140 - 1240
ENGLTRI TH 1120 - 1250
GRAMCO1 TH 0800 - 0930
MEASDEV MWF 1030 - 1130

Half-day classes galore. (Unfortunately, kung kailan ako half-day, ngayon naman sya hindi. :(

ACADWRI: After three THs, we haven't had a meeting in this one yet. I dunno about the DEAL people, but somebody ought to come next week or we're all screwed. :D

ARTAPRE: High school-ish pedagogy is the highlight of this class, but overall, its fine with me. I'm excited as hell to learn about art, but this high-and-mighty guy sitting next to me's pretty intimidating.

DEVGROW: Now this is a fun, if not a noisy, class. After taking genpsyc last term and having touched on growth and maturation, this was something I find much interest in. Keep 'em coming.

ENGLTRI: Scary, scary. If there was any class I ought to have fears about, this maybe it. I'm a bit of a klutz when it comes to oral delivery in English, and this class just forces me to do just that. Oh well. Last gen ed english course for me, so I should do good here. I'm looking into books that may be of help in this one, but sadly, most of them are quite expensive.

GRAMCO1: Under Ms. Calero, who, if she hadn't told me in class, was the anonymous person who left a comment in an entry of last month's. :) Grammar class. Can't say anything so far; we haven't had any serious discussions of things concerning it yet. But I think I'll like this class.

MEASDEV: Sir Jasper! (masaya na naman to!) David and I seem to love this guy. Measurement and evaluation class; in other words, all things concerned with grading and more particularly, testing. Woot. I get to learn how teachers make exams.

If there's anything I like about this sched, its the relative freedom it affords me after my classes. (And that, ehem, I get to see ******* after her classes. :) I also have the time to go home early, avoiding the rush, and just chill before working on any standing schoolwork. That way, burnout is minimized a lot.

That's all for now.


  • Ms. Calero rocks pare! Shes my ENGLTRI teacher. She reads Neil Gaiman dude. Astig.

    - pogz

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:04 PM  

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