quaint little rutted bucket

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Welcome, 2004!

Yey, a new year dawns upon all of us. A new year full of surprises, pleasant and painful alike. An entire new year to screw up. Or to correct on my own mistakes. To realize a few things I want to happen to me.

Anyway, I bid all of the people who drop by here good tidings for the rest of the year. God has been so good this year, despite the almost insurmountable heap of problems I had, I still am grateful for Him. God is great. :))

The explosions have all been silenced now, and an uneasy silence has come, at least in the immediate vicinity of my room. There are still the occasionally pops in the distance, but like the night, it also fades slowly, melting into the darkness of January 1st's early morning hours.

Tip: When life seems to have hit the lowest of the lows you could ever have, try to see the big picture. Get some fresh air to clear your mind.

Teodoro Benigno @ Online (Gene Orejana, ANC)

I was watching Online after Star Wars EP2 wrapped-up in Star Movies, and Gene Orejana had Teodoro Benigno, the famed columnist on the hot seat. Things were interesting in that they discussed the big things that will and might happen this year. Like the May national elections.

I'm not yet a registered voter, until the next elections, simply because of my age. But I do care a lot about this seemingly-forsaken country. There have instances tears ran down my cheeks because of the bickering and the selfishness that pervades today's national culture.

I agree in Benigno's comment on who he sees as the best bet *objectively* for everyone as Prez, and that is Roco. He has come unscathed even after a flurry of scandals (Or were they 'smear campaigns,' I wonder) as DepEd Sec, and his integrity is what carries his name. This is also reflected by the people in PPC, followed by [gulp] FPJ. If i have the chance to vote, Roco and either Barbers or BF gets my votes.

I really am not comfortable with the idea of having another celebrity as Prez. For one thing, he looks even less compared to Erap, as he is definitely clueless as to how to run a government, much less a country. (Erap did serve as mayor, senator, and veep before suceeding FVR as Prez.) Sure, he is clean, but how will he ever have dirt in his name when he didn't even have the chance to serve in public office in the past? I mean, let's have a reality check here, folks: He doesn't know a dime about governance, and his humble demeanor can be abused by the very people who put him in power in the guise of 'utang na loob.' I'm not in anyway being prejudicial, but we have to weigh our options here. Presidency is a serious thing to mess up with. If we mess this one up, we're definitely screwed: For six years.


I accidentally stumbled upon another's blog just this mornin', and pogz's blog reveals a lot more about him than I'll perhaps ever know of him. He's the realization of the adage that behind every smile, every happy face, is a person who is as vulnerable and sensitive like the rest of the world. A person who perhaps shares in the same pains as we all do.

Teenage life is frustrating, as you try to re-learn the world as an adult, and throw away all you've learned of it as a child. The loves, the problems with family and studies, and questions on life. The search for meaning; of reasons for existing. For contentment. The seemingly destructive human cycle of emotions. It's deafening, confusing and can sometimes be a complete let-down, even for the most seasoned optimist.

You search for ways to escape, but it then haunts you, like a restless soul searching for deliverance.


What's playing? Poets of the Fall's "Late Goodbye." (Yes, it's Max Payne 2's OST.)


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