I write, therefore i am. Or whatever.
Harharhar! My research adviser is officially hunting me down for a draft that should have been done by the tenth! Weeeee. She said that the editor for the journal is actually expecting to seee a draft by the end of the month. Wow, and I haven't even gotten anything down yet. Hahaha.
Screw expectations--I'm so sick of that thing already, I feel like barfing off to the wind whenever it comes up. (Wow. What colorful language! Where in the world did I get that anyway? :)
I haven't done the album reviews yet, for some reason. (Or dahil wala lang talaga ako sa mood sumulatlately for some time now) Anyway, they *really* are beautiful jazz albums: the special edition of Mishka Adams' God Bless The Child, Rod Stewart and Steve Tyrell's excellent Thanks for the Memory, the fourth volume in Rod's American Songbook series, and Chris Botti's When I Fall in Love. All are highly recommended, especially to fellow jazz fans.
Hmm. What else? Oh yees. I have a new toy.
A Palm Tungsten E2! Although I still have to get removable media for it, which runs at around 2200. Can't charge it, since the Palm is on installment on my card. Harhar.
Sigh. And I am planning something big. Something that I should have done a long time ago. Something that builds upon what I know as a writer. Can you take a guess?
Harhar. I'll try to keep posting updates... once I get around to finishing my independent research, that is. :D
Harharhar! My research adviser is officially hunting me down for a draft that should have been done by the tenth! Weeeee. She said that the editor for the journal is actually expecting to seee a draft by the end of the month. Wow, and I haven't even gotten anything down yet. Hahaha.
Screw expectations--I'm so sick of that thing already, I feel like barfing off to the wind whenever it comes up. (Wow. What colorful language! Where in the world did I get that anyway? :)
I haven't done the album reviews yet, for some reason. (Or dahil wala lang talaga ako sa mood sumulat
Hmm. What else? Oh yees. I have a new toy.
A Palm Tungsten E2! Although I still have to get removable media for it, which runs at around 2200. Can't charge it, since the Palm is on installment on my card. Harhar.
Sigh. And I am planning something big. Something that I should have done a long time ago. Something that builds upon what I know as a writer. Can you take a guess?
Harhar. I'll try to keep posting updates... once I get around to finishing my independent research, that is. :D